Love vs Nightmares
It all started with Nightmares
A Nightmare that haunts your every thought
with this Nightmare we become one,
As duel personalities collide
Crossing invisible lines
Paths of gateways closed
But the Nightmare is beyond all control
Isnt it?
To believe in something that only feels real
for that perfect moment
But this the Nightmare be
Endless possibility's
Endless reality's
Because this Nightmare Is perfect
This moment is perfect
You are perfect to me
A Nightmare being the key to my true self!
It all started with Nightmares
A Nightmare that haunts your every thought
with this Nightmare we become one,
As duel personalities collide
Crossing invisible lines
Paths of gateways closed
But the Nightmare is beyond all control
Isnt it?
To believe in something that only feels real
for that perfect moment
But this the Nightmare be
Endless possibility's
Endless reality's
Because this Nightmare Is perfect
This moment is perfect
You are perfect to me
A Nightmare being the key to my true self!
In such a strange place recently - art has become nothing
more than a get out source - Im not enjoying structured lifestyles and routines
are becoming impossible for me to follow! Im abit north and south with how im
feeling and what im doing! my work recently represents another perfect place I
take myself off to! Its forbidden fruit and totally out of bounds but worth
every second! For everything that goes wrong and for every line that is crossed
I feel as of recent most of it becomes irrelevant in the end! Passion is hard
to keep alive with so many obstacles in its way! From journeys here on I leave
perfection in search for PASSION that lasts forever!
And from this moment-
Calling from a place called limbo
A duel reality entered with
each strum
A place for a small while, I
entered perfection
Dreaming away in his arms was
But to only ever be a part of
the pieces along side me
Missing, lost but to always
eventually be found
Followed by the next nightmare
To whom I fall in love with
Against all odds - to be a
king in my own mind
The strumming gets quieter
You get quieter
To drown in lifestyle
To cry for the want of something
Waiting for something,someone,life
seems meaningless without
A fucked up reality after another im
still in search
Breath back those words and
stop pretending
Might make this all easier
Don’t flaw your own mask – don’t
give yourself away
Just make it real!